Major Occupations
Number of People
No records found |
Source: As On (Date):
Category |
Total number |
Percentage |
Farmer |
NA |
85% (of male) |
Labor |
NA |
15% (of male) |
Driver |
25 person (of male) |
Businessman |
177 person (of male) |
Teacher |
NA |
3% |
Service holder |
NA |
7% |
House work |
NA |
18% |
Others( if any more) |
NA |
10% |
Data Source: Collection from BBS.
Category |
Total number |
Percentage |
Farmer |
NA |
70% |
Labor |
NA |
0.95% |
Driver |
NA |
0.05% |
Businessman |
NA |
10% |
Teacher |
NA |
1% |
Service holder |
NA |
5% |
House work |
NA |
7% |
Others( if any more) |
NA |
6% |
Data Source: Collection from Union Parishad
Area |
8,895.00 |
A |
927 |
Population |
27,179.00 |
P |
1206 |
Density of Population |
3.06 |
P |
2867 |
Literacy Rate |
53.00 |
% |
701 |
NER in Primary Education |
62.84 |
% |
434 |
Girls' NER in Primary Education |
62.56 |
% |
477 |
Improved Sanitary Latrine |
9.51 |
% |
3695 |
Improved Drinking Water Source |
12.39 |
% |
4385 |
Electricity Connection |
21.69 |
% |
1822 |
Source : BBS
As on (Date): Jan 27, 2001
US 1222064
CN 170660
AU 119785
DE 116630
BD 116070
FR 95467
GB 76323
RU 63621
NL 50880