This union was established in 1966. Initially this union consists of 24 villages: Rampal, Ramdanga, Sreefaltala, Gabbonia, Jhanjhania, Kismat Jhanjhania, batkhata, Gopinatpur, Vaga, Malidanga, Hatirbar, Jaynagar, Sultania, Kadirkhola, Sreekalam, Satanbabupur, Orabnia, kakrabunia, Basarekula, Tangramary, Tangramary Khaly, Pipulmonia, Nadirfula, Kastobaria. Alhaz Nurul Haque and Abdul Mannan Sheikder headmaster received the best headmaster award. Alhaz Nurul Haque headmaster received the best headmaster award five times. Our beloved boys and girls Rausan Ara, Abdur Mannan Shikder, Nirmal Chandra Pal, Sarder Md. Asadujaman, Mrs. SalinaSultana stood 8th, 4th, 6th, 15th and 9th respectively in the combined merit list of Kumila board SSC exam in 1975, 1979, 1980, 1988 and 1991 respectively and received the chancellor award. The others beloved boys are Asdu-Jaman Tutul and Shakil Ahamed Yamin, Now they are professor of Khulna University.
1966: The union was established with 24 villages
1975: Chancellor award for Rousan Ara by the president of Bangladesh
1979: Chancellor award for Abdur Mannan Shikder by the president of Bangladesh.
1980: Chancellor award for Nirmal Chandra Pal by the president of Bangladesh.
1988: Chancellor award for Sarder Md. Asadujaman by the president of Bangladesh.
1991: Chancellor award for Mrs. Salina Sultana by the president of Bangladesh
: Alhaz Nurul Haque and Abdul Mannan Sheikder headmaster Received best headmaster award
Data Source: School Headmaster, Local People etc.