   (Parshuram Upazila, Feni District)
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Govt. & Non Govt. Universities of Bangladesh
»  Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST)
»  America Bangladesh University
»  American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB)
»  ASA University Bangladesh
»  Asian University for Women
»  Asian University of Bangladesh
»  Atish Dipankar University
»  Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
»  Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University
»  Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
»  Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM)
»  Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS)
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»  Bangladesh Islami University (BIU)
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»  Bangladesh University
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»  Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
»  Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
»  Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur
»  BGC Trust University Bangladesh
»  BGMEA Institute of Fashion & Technology (BIFT)
»  Bhuiyan Academy
»  Brac university
»  Central Institute for International Technology (CIIT)
»  Chittagong Textile Engineering Collrge
»  Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET)
»  Chittagong Veterinary & Animal Science University (CVASU)
»  City university
»  College of Home Economics
»  Comilla University
»  Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT)
»  Daffodil International University
»  Darul Ihsan University
»  Dhaka International University
»  Dhaka University (DU)
»  Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET)
»  East Delta University (EDU)
»  East West University
»  Eastern university
»  Gono Bishwabidyalay
»  Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
»  Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
»  Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University
»  Institute of Biological Science, Rajshahi University
»  Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka University
»  Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Rajshahi University
»  Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH)
»  Institute of Education and Research (IER), Dhaka University
»  Institute of Environmental Science, Rajshahi University
»  Institute of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka
»  Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka
»  Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT), BUET
»  Institute of Information Technology
»  Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS)
»  Institute of Modern Languages, Dhaka University
»  Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Dhaka University
»  Institute of Science & Technology (IST)
»  Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka
»  Institute of Statistical Research and Training, Dhaka University
»  Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (ITHM)
»  International Islamic University Chittagong
»  Islamic University
»  Islamic University of Technology
»  Jagannath University
»  Jahangirnagar University (JU)
»  Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University
»  Jessore Science & Technology University (JSTU)
»  Khulna University (KU)
»  Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET)
»  Lions Eye Institute
»  Manarat university
»  Marine Fisheries Academy
»  Mawlana Bhasani Science and Technology University (MBSTU)
»  Metropolitan University, Sylhet
»  Mymensingh Engineering College
»  National Hotel & Tourism Training Institute
»  National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
»  National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine
»  National University
»  Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU)
»  North South University
»  Northern University Bangladesh
»  Pabna University of Science & Technology
»  Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU)
»  Premier University
»  Presidency University
»  Prime University
»  Primeasia University
»  Queens University
»  Raffles Design Institute
»  Rajshahi University (RU)
»  Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET)
»  Royal University of Dhaka (RUD)
»  Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)
»  Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology
»  Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University
»  Southeast University
»  Southern University Bangladesh
»  Stamford university
»  Sylhet Agricultural University
»  Sylhet Engineering College
»  The Housing & Building Research Institute
»  The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)
»  The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB)
»  The Millennium University
»  The People's University of Bangladesh
»  The University of Asia Pacific (UAP)
»  United College of Aviation Science and Management
»  United International University
»  University of Barisal
»  University of Chittagong (CU)
»  University of Development Alternative (UODA)
»  University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS)
»  University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, ULAB
»  University of Science and Technology Chittagong (USTC)
»  University of South Asia
»  Uttara University
»  Victoria University of Bangladesh
»  World University of Bangladesh (WUB)
Area 6,951.00 A 1834
Population 28,691.00 P 983
Density of Population 4.13 P 1655
Literacy Rate 56.00 % 490
NER in Primary Education 56.86 % 1069
Girls' NER in Primary Education 57.34 % 1075
Improved Sanitary Latrine 63.20 % 406
Improved Drinking Water Source 89.85 % 2650
Electricity Connection 50.53 % 425
Source : BBS
As on (Date):
Jan 27, 2001
Visitors US_flag.png US 941055 GB_flag.png GB 49297 EU_flag.png EU 27030 PH_flag.png PH 26564 AU_flag.png AU 26513 CS_flag.png CS 22839 FR_flag.png FR 22639 RU_flag.png RU 13255 CN_flag.png CN 11660

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